Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Racy moments in Roxby Downs

During the usual three women, one mirror, only-an-hour-left-to-go pre-party madness .
"Can you see that I'm wearing knickers if I do this?"

OutbackLioness reaching out to her husband at the Tavern while trying to convince him to buy a new house and whispering "honey, are your ears cold?" before pulling his face down into her cleavage. And the glazed dazed distracted look on his face as he reemerged and wandered away in a whole new direction.

On meeting the new friend of my old friend who invited me to feel her partner's arse. To which he replied..."No, hold on, I didn't have it clenched - try it again!"

Returning Roxby Royalty

"What's a bad girl like you doing in a nice place like this?"

Feeding time at the zoo

Discussing a media junket for hotel marketers, PR consultants and journalists.

"Like feeding time at the zoo. But there's only carnivores in the cage.
"Everyone's hungry and there's no one to eat."

Both kinds of music...

At karaoke..."country music is an evil poison that must be stamped out - preferably with stiletto-heeled shoes."

Tsunami of sound

Overheard at an outdoor cafe, during a boisterous girly brunch...

"I imagine the sound of us all talking, when we're together, as a huge wave.
"Usually I'm riding on top of it, and I've got no idea how big it is.
"But that time I had it crash down over me and it scared me to death."

Healthy but not harmless

Overheard outside the gym...
"Well, you keep working on those gluts."
"And you keep working on your pelvic floor, there'll be an examination next time."